Shorecrest School


Experiential School News

On Thursday, I was standing by the Experiential School gate when one of our Alpha students, Zinnia, walked in, carrying her lovie.

She stopped, looked at me, and asked, “Mrs. Hollenbeck, did you see the moon?"

The two of us took a moment to stare at the beautiful moon floating above our heads.
Another student chimed in, "It's not full. Full moons are night moons. Day moons are not full."

We share this planet and look for connections.

The fact that a three-year-old remembers my name and is comfortable approaching me as she arrives at this big building full of people is evidence that we have a connection and this is such a great foundation for the learning that takes place at Shorecrest.

The fact that Zinnia does not take nature for granted and is reading the world around her is evidence that the adults in her life have made her aware of all these things.

Thank you for sharing your children with us. We feel honored.

Old Cameras
The Experiential School is looking for gently used cameras that have been sitting in your closets for way too long without being used. If you have one of these, please let us know if you would like to make a donation so our children can experiment with another tool that we can use to take pictures.

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