Shorecrest School

Giving Day: Supporting the Shorecrest Fund

Head of School Letter

As a PK3 through grade 12 school, Shorecrest offers opportunities for learning and growth throughout a student’s childhood and adolescence. The Shorecrest experience provides windows and mirrors for all children and families, as we strive to create critical thinkers and lifelong learners. 
As many of you are aware, the tuition that is charged to families does not cover the entire cost of a Shorecrest education, a fact that is consistent among most other private schools and colleges. The total cost of operating a school is greater than the revenue generated by tuition. Schools such as Shorecrest rely on the generosity of donors to bridge the difference, so that we can continue to provide academic excellence, offer robust co-curricular programs to our students, and attract and retain the best faculty and staff. 

The Shorecrest Fund is our main fundraising priority and we encourage all Shorecrest families to participate annually. Donor dollars given to the Shorecrest Fund are invested directly into the growth and development of our people and programs. For those of you who have already made a generous gift this school year, we thank you. And for those of you who are still considering making your gift, please know that your support will positively impact the lives of Shorecrest students and faculty. 
Shorecrest provides many student opportunities to learn, lead, serve and shine. Our upcoming Giving Day will showcase different programs and their multigrade level connections that enhance the day-to-day life of every student including: academics, visual and performing arts, technology and innovation, athletics, service learning and more. Each day next week will have a specific focus:
Monday: Athletics and Physical Well-being  
Tuesday: Technology and Innovation
Wednesday: Visual and Performing Arts 
Thursday: Community and Service Learning 
Friday: Academic Excellence
We are one school with one goal - to fulfill our mission to educate a diverse community of students to become lifelong learners in the pursuit of academic and personal excellence, physical well-being, creative achievement and a commitment to social responsibility.

Please make your gift today at and support what makes a Shorecrest education exceptional. 
All the best, 


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