Shorecrest School

Building Friendships

Head of School Letter

When I ask seniors what they are going to miss the most about Shorecrest after they graduate, the answer is always “my friends!” Friendship is so important at any age. Every morning at Experiential School carline, we watch students enthusiastically greet each other: waving, calling out their friends’ names and giving big hugs, as if it has been ages since they had seen each other instead of just 2:45pm the previous day! Many Middle Schoolers’ favorite time of the day is lunch, when they can sit together with their friends and talk about their lives.

Building deep relationships with others is a key component of developing the sense of community which differentiates Shorecrest from other schools. And making friends is not just for our students! We are proud to be a place where adults also have a chance to meet and connect with others, where over time acquaintances become real friendships. 

Our schedule of events has already kicked off with a myriad of possibilities for adults to gather. Whether it is sipping coffee at a SCA gathering, working in the library or concession stand with other volunteers, or walking to classes with other parents at Back To School Night, Shorecrest provides opportunities for all Chargers to get to know each other. 

A recent International Connections Coffee highlighted the geographic diversity of our community, with parents meeting other families from around the world. Parent-sponsored Dad’s and Mom’s Nights Out are on the calendar with the intent to provide an opportunity for parents to get to know each other in a casual and social setting. Drop-in gatherings abound where groups of parents from the same grade plan to meet for coffee off-campus or get together at a local park. There is a purposeful mix of events at different times and days of the week, so that everyone who wants to can participate, even with different and busy schedules. 

Tomorrow night is our All-Parents Social, from 6:30-8:30pm at Chargers Commons. It’s an excellent chance to meet new people and catch up with established friends. We hope that you will join the more than 300 parents who have already RSVP’d yes. Come enjoy an evening building friendships with other Shorecrest Chargers. 

I look forward to seeing you there!

All the best, 

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