Shorecrest School


Head of School Letter

As we look ahead to next week, the ritual of appreciation and giving thanks resonates for many. Gratitude is a muscle that needs to be flexed with regularity. For me, it is important to reflect on how grateful I am to be a part of this Shorecrest community.
Through dedication and generosity of time, energy and resources, so many members of the Shorecrest community have contributed to making this school such a special place. Faculty, staff, parents, volunteers and Trustees rally around students to create opportunities for them to learn, grow, explore and have fun. And our students appreciate the support they find at Shorecrest. New faculty members are often surprised by how many students say “thank you” to the teacher at the end of a class. The warm relationships that develop between the adults and children at Shorecrest are at the heart of this community. I appreciate these bonds and value the hard work that goes into the intentional shaping of such a supportive and caring culture.
For many of us, Thanksgiving is a time to gather with family and friends and express how grateful we are to be together. For others, it is also a time of service, to give back to the community and support those less fortunate. However you celebrate the holiday, I wish everyone a happy, healthy and restful Thanksgiving.
All the best,

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