Shorecrest School

Young Gardeners in The Experiential School

Experiential School News

The Experiential School is abuzz with excitement as young gardeners reset the ES garden beds for a fresh season of growth and discovery. Guided by the nurturing hands of Mr. Archer, Mrs. Cousins, and Mr. & Mrs. Pedone, the little ones have embarked on a remarkable journey of understanding the intricate dance of life in our garden.

With their hands in the soil, tiny tools in hand, and a spirit of collaboration, these budding gardeners are learning about nature's transformative cycles. Their endeavors are instilling in them a profound appreciation for the gifts of Mother Nature, while they grasp the deep connection between hard work, patience, and the sweet rewards that come from gardening. As they nurture tiny seeds into sprouting plants, they'll come to understand their own role in the grand tapestry of our shared planet. This experience fosters a deeper connection to our environment and instills in them a sense of responsibility for our world. Furthermore, gardening has numerous benefits for health and wellness, both in terms of the physical activity involved and the mental well-being it promotes. 

JK students have revitalized five garden beds, while Alpha students have dedicated their efforts to three. The next step in their gardening adventure is to cultivate plants from seeds indoors, patiently nurturing them until the moment is right for transplanting. Students will understand that while the little seeds do their job of growing, we do ours of caring. The idea of plants growing and decaying, the intricacies of shapes, scents and the curiosity around some “big Science words” makes it even more special.

Adding to the excitement, Alpha students have had the opportunity to examine eggplants they harvested. The observations included other plants with their roots, dirt, and even a curious ladybug that became the center of attention. 

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Mr. Archer, Mrs. Cousins, Mr. & Mrs. Pedone and the tireless teachers who have worked diligently to prepare our garden beds for a new season of growth and learning. 

Flickr album: ES Gardening, Oct. 2023 | Height: auto | Theme: Default | Skin: Default Skin



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