Faculty Spotlight - Kate Fierce, Lower School Counselor
Kate Fierce, Lower School Counselor, shares her passion for helping children develop into capable, resilient, empathetic and independent learners, working with students, families and faculty. She has been a fixture at Shorecrest since 2012, serving as the Lower and Middle School counselor simultaneously. With the expansion of the Center for Academic Excellence and additional counseling resources in 2024, Kate is now the school counselor dedicated to Lower School students.
"While I'll always treasure the relationships I built with Middle School students, families, and faculty, it's been exciting to focus my efforts on the Lower School and to collaborate with my new counseling teammates," said Kate. "With a dedicated classroom and student service space of my own, the Lower School counseling program is flourishing. I couldn't be more proud to be a Charger!"
Of Kate, Middle School counselor JJ Dalton shared, "Kate has an amazing way of making everyone feel special in their own individual ways. Her heart is huge, and her empathy is such an inspiration to me as a fellow counselor."
Kate supports the Shorecrest faculty in incorporating effective SEL strategies into their teaching. She provides coaching and training to faculty and schools across Florida and the country.
“The tools Kate has given us allow us to make intentional positive impacts on our students, providing them with a safe environment in which to be seen. Not only is her work invaluable, but she herself is an amazing person and colleague who embodies our core values daily,” shared Khana Rebman, Third Grade Teacher and Diversity Coordinator.
“When children are socially and emotionally doing well, they can learn the academics. Kate has helped so many students and families. She is an amazing resource in our community. She is a change agent who has helped to shape the culture of the Lower School,” stated Dr. Lisa Bianco, Head of Lower School. “I will never forget one day when my daughter, Mila, was seven and was having a conflict with a friend. Mila said, ‘Mom, you don't need to help me. Ms. Fierce taught us what to do!’"
Kate received a bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Cornell University and a Master of Science in Education degree in Psychological Services from the University of Pennsylvania. She is a lifelong lover of the beach and a displaced Philadelphia sports fan. You can often find her cooking and reading with her pets at home. This is Kate's 13th year at Shorecrest and her 20th as a school counselor.