Shorecrest School

Teaching Economics in Lower School

Lower School News

World Travelers in Second Grade
Building on the fantastic work done by the second grade teachers about communities around the world, I’ve had the pleasure of visiting classrooms to dive into the fascinating world of currencies. We took a fun, pretend adventure to two very unique countries: Country Ice, where the blue currency reigns, and Country Fire, where everything runs on red currency. The students exchanged money into red and blue bills and shopped in each country. Interestingly, both countries were selling the same exact items, but items in Country Fire cost 'double money!' The students quickly realized how currency differences can impact prices.
Thanks to the participation of parents who sent in foreign currencies, we placed the various bills and coins on a world map in the countries where they are used, covering a wide range of continents. The kids had so much fun discovering places on the map they'd never heard of before! On Tuesday, students had the opportunity to visit the International Festival, where parent volunteers shared delicious treats and showcased their country’s art, traditions and currency.

Bartering in Third Grade
I also had the privilege of observing a bartering simulation, a Shorecrest tradition organized by our third grade teachers. In the simulation, students are assigned to different tribes and given specific roles to acquire raw materials, build tools and create crafts that they use to barter with the other tribes. Teachers do not interfere with the simulation, and students work collaboratively and efficiently to fulfill their roles within the tribe, ultimately procuring what their tribe needs to survive—or, in some cases, thrive! This activity is a great example of how we embed economic decision-making in our Lower School curriculum.

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