Lower School Town Meetings: Purposeful, Impactful and Fun!
Lower School Town Meeting is a weekly tradition that brings Shorecrest LS students, faculty and parents together.
Town Meeting's current iteration is an evolution of a former Shorecrest routine known as Flag Pole. “I wanted this gathering to be more than a routine assembly–I saw it as an opportunity to build community, share learning and celebrate our school together,” explained Dr. Lisa Bianco, Head of Lower School. “I knew we needed to incorporate singing, interactive learning and student leadership.”
Over time, Town Meetings have developed into a Lower School tradition in which classes or specialist groups take turns leading. Students and teachers share what they are learning, often in an engaging and participatory way, and each class has an opportunity to share. Parents and Shorecrest faculty and staff have an open invitation to attend.
In just the last few months alone, Town Meeting has featured fourth graders introducing "Hour of Code," Kindergarteners sharing their favorite holiday traditions, third graders presenting iconic historical figures, Little Sparks showing school spirit and special guests kicking off the Lower School Food Drive - just to name a few.
Initially Town Meeting took place on Monday mornings, but were later moved to Fridays since students weren’t always ready to share first thing in the week. Over the years specialists began adding their own contributions. For example, Mrs. Emili Jamie-Allwood, LS Spanish Teacher, led special presentations during Hispanic Heritage Month.
Town Meetings begin with a Walk-Up song and welcoming everyone, including students by grade level, parents, teachers and friends. The Walk-Up song is chosen each week by Ms. Rose Supper, Lower School Music Teacher. She says it should be something positive and upbeat or positive and calming, depending on the week. Next comes the Community song, which also varies weekly. These songs have included ‘Count on Me’ and ‘We Come From the Mountain.’ The closing words, created by Lisa, are “Work hard, have fun and take care of each other.” Students are then dismissed by grade level with the Goodbye song.
“This year when Ms. Rose joined us as the LS Music Teacher, we discussed the importance of music as a big part of Town Meetings," reflects Dr. Bianco. "She not only embraced this role, but also learned the ukulele to ensure we had an opening song and music that brought us together as a community. She’s done an incredible job, even making sure the sound system is set up and working each week.”
At the end of each school year there is a special Town Meeting on the Gaffney Green to say farewell to students and faculty who are moving on and to celebrate fourth graders' transition to Middle School. Everyone stands in a big circle, honoring the community one last time before summer.
“Town Meeting is special. The students genuinely look forward to it, whether they’re making announcements, sharing with their classes or simply being part of something bigger than themselves,” said Dr. Bianco.
Ms. Rose added, “Town Meeting unifies the School. We are one ecosystem and to be so supportive of each other in this way is something I haven’t seen at any other school. This IS the Shorecrest difference!”