Shorecrest School

Shorecrest Annual Fund: $482,000 and Counting!

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The Charger spirit was strong at last Wednesday's Annual Fund Phonathon. More than 20 volunteers gathered in the MS Innovation & Design Studio asking fellow Shorecrest parents/guardians to support the Shorecrest Annual Fund. This year, our Phonathon efforts raised over $98,000 and brought our family participation up to nearly 50%!

Thank you so much to those families who answered the call or responded by text. You’ve brought us half-way to our overall goal of $760,000 and 100% participation!

The Shorecrest Annual Fund provides students and teachers with the resources to ensure enrichment and innovation is available in academics, arts, and athletics for students of all ages.

Visit to join our growing group of supporters. Our community - our children - are counting on us!

Special thanks go to the amazing team of Phonathon volunteers who made this year’s huge success possible: 

Rebecca Armacost
Helen Barrott
Darla Browning-Hutton
Will Conroy
Andrea & James Felch
Kirsten Fisher
John Floto
Tara Gaffney
Saran Ganesh
Pam Greacen
Patty Ann Hamblen
Alex Lavoie
Kristin & Dennis Leary
Stephanie Murray
Nikki Pagano
Jennifer & Justin Phelps
Elizabeth Samuelson
Beth Vivio
Eva Zwack

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