Shorecrest School

It is Time

Head of School Letter

In May of 2018, during the ceremony to launch Transform, 300 Shorecrest family members cheered as the first of the old Lower School buildings was razed. The words that echo in my head from that ceremony are, “It is time!”

Once again, the words “It is time!” have important meaning for the Shorecrest community.

It is time to finish the Lower School campus for our children.

It is time to ensure our Middle School and Upper School students have spaces that will spark research and open up new opportunities in STEAM-related studies.

It is time to ensure that all students who receive support from our Learning Center teachers and tutors have spaces in which to thrive.

It is time for SCA and Helping Hands to have a real home.

It is time for our students to reclaim classroom, study and gallery space temporarily filled by staff during our construction phase. 

It is time to finish Transform. 

It will take every family, every faculty and staff member, our alumni and friends to make it happen.

For the past fifteen years, the education of hundreds - and now thousands - of current and future Shorecrest Chargers has been my priority. During that time the Board of Trustees, faculty and staff and hundreds of generous families have contributed to transform our campus into the beautiful setting we enjoy today.  

It is time for all members of the community to learn what is possible on the 2nd floor of Charger Commons. It is time to rise to the challenge and join the 150 families who have contributed to make the first floor and playspaces possible.

Join me on Friday, November 15, at 6:30pm for A Night to Rise. Learn what is possible to enhance education for all our children.

It is time!



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