Shorecrest School

Shorecrest Honors MLK National Day of Service


For the second year, the Lower and Experiential Schools have honored the memory of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. with service to another class at Shorecrest. This year, Mrs. Boarman’s fourth grade class drew Ms. Finnemore's fourth grade class as the group they would assist. 
While Ms. Finnemore's class was in the Lower School Art Studio, Mrs. Boarman’s class swooped into their classroom. The students sharpened dozens of pencils, straightened out student bins, organized classroom materials and filed books in their classroom library. As a finishing touch, they wrote encouraging notes and hung them around the room. Then they slipped out before Ms. Finnemore's class returned, like the elves in the shoemaker story. Ms. Finnemore said it was a great way for her class to start their week and the efforts were greatly appreciated!

Mrs. Minke's kindergarteners learned new skills while doing their service! They sewed pillows - one for each of Ms. Telemachos' third grade students. 

The three- and four-year-olds in Mrs. Schaedel's class made Rice Krispie treats for Mrs. Jotch's Junior Kindergartners. Mrs. Hobbs' third graders visited Mrs. Hahn's JK class to read stories to the younger children as well as to enjoy fruit kabobs and give them bookmarks, both of which they had made for the occasion. Mrs. Oman's fourth graders visited Mrs. Craver's JK and taught them how to make pinch pots with clay and also gave them some lessons on how to socialize.

Mrs. Vigue's kindergarten class performed an act of kindness for Mrs. Oman's fourth graders by feeding their tummies. Each snack baggie was specifically made with a fourth grader in mind. Mrs. Oman's class enjoyed their treats all day long!

Miss Deegan’s second graders learned about the Civil Rights Movement and the important role of Dr. King. They discussed what segregation was and how it affected the lives of people living during that time. To honor Dr. King, her students are making and sending cards to military troops for Valentine's Day as a service learning project.

Freshmen Will H and Ben B along with seventh graders Oliver H and Cal B worked on sprucing up an Allendale neighborhood garden and local park. The boys were inspired after hearing about MLK day as a National Day of Service on NPR that morning. Wanting to contribute, they set off for the park to put some service time in.

As a community, Shorecrest provided the opportunity for all who were interested to join in the National MLK Drum Major for Justice Parade, the largest MLK Parade Celebration in the Southeastern United States. While marching downtown, those representing Shorecrest gave out candy to spectators lining the streets along the parade route.

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