Shorecrest School

Alumni Spotlight: Lacey Nash Miller '00

Alumni Lower School News

Alumni Spotlights share the stories of Chargers in all phases of their careers and lives after Shorecrest. Our latest article spotlights Lacey Nash Miller '00, Executive Director of Advancement at Academy Prep Center of St. Petersburg, where she has worked since 2012. Lacey is an alumnae of Shorecrest Class of 2000 and Florida State University Class of 2004. 

Academy Prep’s objective is to take students from underrepresented communities and advance their opportunities by helping them exceed academically. Their program is very rigorous, 12-14 hours a day, six days a week, with significant academic enrichment to prepare students to succeed in college-prep programs like Shorecrest.

Shorecrest and Academy Prep have been connected for years through programs such as the STEAM Club for Girls, fundraisers, showcases, etc. Currently Shorecrest is home to 12 dedicated Academy Prep grads who are now Chargers. 

Lacey is another example of how Shorecrest and Academy Prep are linked. Before working at Academy Prep, Lacey was the Director of the Annual Fund and Alumni Programs at Shorecrest from 2008-2012, and she has helped the partnership between Shorecrest and Academy Prep, along with the schools themselves, bloom.

Lacey’s family is very familiar with Shorecrest. In addition to her years as a student and dedicated staff member, she is married to Shorecrest alumnus Todd Miller ‘98. Their daughter, Eva ‘34, is a Charger, and both of their children enjoy Shorecrest Summer Programs. This continued tradition is important to Lacey, who said, “I'm overjoyed to have my youngest daughter, Eva ‘34, at Shorecrest. Knowing she's in a safe, supportive, nurturing environment means the world to me. I love the history and community at Shorecrest and it feels wonderful to be part of that fabric.”

When asked her favorite Shorecrest memory, Lacey recalls her involvement in performing arts. “Theatre at Shorecrest was my happy place and my escape. I was so fortunate to work with and learn from world-class artists!”

Lacey has some advice for current Upper School Chargers. “There's no coasting. There's no letting things happen. Make things happen. Work harder than anyone and focus on what matters and what will make the biggest impact and don't let up. Life is hard sometimes, but it's awfully beautiful too. And surround yourself with people who challenge you and make you better.”


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