Shorecrest School

Head of School Letter: Centennial Giving Day

Head of School Letter

Three cheers for 100 years! Today is Shorecrest’s Giving Day, a celebration of our centennial. Today we ask that you consider supporting The Shorecrest Fund. Your support provides a philanthropic opportunity to invest both in today’s programs and ensure the future of Shorecrest for the next 100 years. 

The Shorecrest Fund supports all programs and also enables donors to choose specific programs to recognize as areas about which they are particularly passionate. The focus is on participation, to demonstrate each person's commitment and willingness to support the people and programs of Shorecrest. 

A gift to the Shorecrest Fund is a powerful way to support your child’s education. The best part about giving is the knowledge that your gift directly impacts our students and our teachers. It makes a difference in their lives. We use all of the gifts to the Shorecrest Fund during this 2023-2024 academic year. 

True then, True today!

As we observe our 100th anniversary, we celebrate some of the defining characteristics about Shorecrest that have always made us unique. 

  • Focus on the whole child 
  • Working with each student to reach their full potential
  • Creating an educational environment where students are challenged and nurtured
  • Providing opportunities for students to discover their passion
  • A strong sense of community

Financial gifts to the Shorecrest Fund are important to ensure that Shorecrest continues to provide extraordinary educational experiences for students. The Fund supports the people and programs that make Shorecrest so special:  

  • Talented teachers
  • Innovative teaching and curriculum
  • Incredible offerings in arts, athletics and other co-curricular programs

My sincerest thanks to everyone who has already participated in our Centennial Giving Day. Every gift, no matter how large or small, makes a difference. Resources matter; the more resources we have, the more opportunities Shorecrest will have to provide an even better environment for students to thrive over the next 100 years.

Exciting news... An anonymous SPS family has made a gift of $10,000 to challenge 100 more families to join them in supporting the school before midnight. Will you rise to their challenge and help us reach our Giving Day goal? Whether it's $25 or $2,500, every gift adds impact and supports our people and programs. 

Join the Campaign and Make a Gift

All the best, 



#UpperSchool #MiddleSchool #LowerSchool #ExperientialSchool #HeadofSchool #Alumni #Shorecrest100 #ShorecrestFund

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