Shorecrest School

Head of School Letter: Student Voices - Why Shorecrest

Head of School Letter

Recently I was chatting with a prospective family after they'd toured Shorecrest for the first time. They were interested in learning about our full PK3-12 program and had been all over campus, from the Experiential School playground, to the Raymund Center lounge area, to the Athletic fields. When asked if they had any additional questions about the school, the mother shared not a question but an observation. She said with equal parts excitement and surprise, "The kids here just seem so happy!" 

Her comment inspired me to chat with some students to hear what they love about Shorecrest. As you can imagine, being a school with students as young as 3, to young adults - the answers varied widely, though a common theme was undoubtedly community. Instead of telling you what they said, here they are to show you! 

Flickr album: Student Voices: Why Shorecrest | Height: 450px | Theme: Columns | Skin: Default Skin


If you can't see the video above, click here to watch on YouTube.

All the best,


#UpperSchool #MiddleSchool #LowerSchool #ExperientialSchool #HeadofSchool #WhyShorecrest

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