Shorecrest School

Head of School Letter: Chipotle, S'mores, Smoothies and Stories

Head of School Letter

As a Head of School I am always looking for opportunities to spend time with students and make meaningful connections with them. 

Since my first year at Shorecrest I have held regular lunches with small groups of seniors. By the end of the year I have invited all members of the grade to join me in a Chipotle meal. I have a chance to get to know them, hear about their interests and activities, and learn about their thoughts on Shorecrest and their lives. I always ask how long they have been at Shorecrest, what they like best (the most common responses are their friends and the teachers) and if they have any advice for me as the Head of School. 

I also have weekly sessions in the Experiential School, joining each Alpha and JK class on a rotating basis. We sit in a circle on the rug as I read a favorite book and ask questions to our youngest Chargers. Many of the Alpha and JK students recognize me from morning carline, and pretty quickly they remember my name and what I do. My favorite response, when a teacher asked the class, “Do you know what Ms. Spencer does at our school?” was “She takes care of all of us!”

This year I have created two new traditions to spend time with the “seniors” of each School Division: the fourth and eighth grades. 

As the weather cooled down I invited each fourth grade class to join me in making “S’mores with Ms. Spencer.” We gathered after lunch on the Gaffney Green patio area making use of the newly installed firepit. With the invaluable help of my assistant, Ms. Julie Meyer, we have prepared plates of graham crackers, chocolate and large marshmallows for the students to roast. Each fourth grader has a long skewer to use as they gather around the firepit’s flame. 

And oh -- the different techniques students use to toast their treats! Some go for broke, with a  blackened and charred skin of the marshmallow, either peeled off or squished between two graham crackers. Others are careful and cautious, slowly browning their marshmallow to an even color tone, so that it melts in their mouths when consumed. 

The fourth graders and I talk about their experiences outdoors (some have never made s’mores before and this is their first time). We discuss what they are doing in their classes, their sports, their activities, their pets and so many other topics, as our conversations meander all over the place. It is a sticky, delicious and fun time spent together.

With the eighth graders, I go to their classroom during Advisory time, and bring smoothies as a mid-morning treat. This week was the first gathering of this kind and the response was very positive. For some, a smoothie was a new food adventure and they were excited to pick their flavor. Others were smoothie pros and gave advice about how to make their own concoctions. 

We talked about life in the Middle School, what it was like to enter Shorecrest as a new student or for those who have been here a long time, and how their experiences have changed over time since Lower School. I was impressed with their thoughtful answers and their range of activities, from sports to theater to robotics. Most impressive was how seriously these students spoke about their academic classes. When I asked what they were most looking forward to in Upper School, the quick response was, “more freedom and no uniforms.”

As an educator, spending time with students is the best part of the job. I feel fortunate to have the chance to get to know our Shorecrest students, particularly during these milestone years as they finish up one division and prepare to head into the next. 

All the best, 



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