Shorecrest School

Exploring the Magic of Color Mixing

Experiential School News

Shorecrest Upper School Science Teacher Mrs. Peck visited 3- and 4-year-old Alpha students, adding a vibrant touch to their exploration of vision and color. The focus was on color mixing; and the activity integrated elements of science and art into the learning process.

First Mrs. Peck expanded on the class conversation about how we perceive color in the back of our eyes and that seeing colors requires light.

For her captivating lesson Mrs. Peck brought droppers and colored water, blank color wheel sheets, and waxed paper, providing the students with a dynamic and interactive way to explore the world of colors. The children received red, blue, and yellow drops on the waxed paper, with the color wheel visible beneath it. These primary colors served as the foundation for their exploration. The waxed paper allowed them to mix drops of color and observe the fascinating transformations that occurred.

Color mixing is a concept that may seem simple to adults, but holds an almost magical allure for preschoolers. It provides a foundation for understanding the world around them, encourages critical thinking, and promotes fine motor skills development. Watching the children's faces light up with joy and curiosity during this activity reinforced the idea that learning is most effective when it's fun and interactive.



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