Shorecrest School

Three Cheers for our Shorecrest Faculty and Staff

Head of School Letter

This past week, I was in a discussion with a 30-something manager of a local tech firm who was lamenting his 20-something new hires’ terrible work ethics and writing skills. Anyone who is involved in hiring knows that the different generations have their own characteristics and styles. There are all kinds of articles about how Gen X workers are different from Gen Y and Boomers. Yet, from where I stand in the independent school community here at Shorecrest, our parents expect talented, bright and hard working people to be available to their children regardless of the generation from which they come.
Like many of my colleagues, I have seen fascinating changes and developments in independent schools over the past few decades. Technology has not made our work easier but rather more interesting. Technology has empowered teachers and students as independent learners. Research on the brain and studies about how children learn have expanded the duties and expectations parents, educators and students have for our teachers. Changes in family configurations, increases in dual income families, and globalization have added the need for schools and teachers to expand services to meet the needs of changing student and school communities.
Teachers and schools that have embraced these changes are thriving. At the same time, we need to acknowledge that all the changes have expanded the role of the teacher.
Our Shorecrest teachers care deeply about their students, their professional responsibilities and their professional growth. While embracing the responsibilities of the modern educator they have never lost track of their primary responsibility, which is to educate the whole child and in doing so to develop the next generation of citizen-leaders.
This week the Board of Trustees hosted a lunch for our faculty and staff as one way to express appreciation for the work they do with our children. As we head into the Thanksgiving season I hope we all unite with the Board and will find a way to thank our teachers and staff for the great work they are doing with our very talented students.

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