Shorecrest School

New Year’s Resolution-Kicking the Tech Addiction: Part I

Head of School Letter

  1. I believe technology has an incredibly important place in the education and future for all of us. This is not a 'do away with technology' series.
  2. Before getting us to Part II, I encourage Ebytes readers to watch the embedded video from Simon Sinek (below). If possible, watch the video with your children. If time is really short, skip forward to the sections of his talk on Technology and Impatience. The sections on Parenting and Environment are equally interesting. Part II will come next week.
  3. I believe it is dangerous to over generalize about any generation. There are members of the faculty and staff who fall into the Millennial category and they do not reflect any of the behaviors Sinec describes.
I hope the video stimulates some conversations for your family.

In addition to considering issues with tech addiction, there are of course the issues of digital citizenship and student safety online. The Shorecrest Community Association recently hosted guest speaker Katie Koestner, a nationally recognized speaker, to discuss “Parenting in Cyberspace.”

For families who may have missed the presentations or for those who want to learn more, SCA is offering copies of Ms. Koestner’s DVD Cybersmarts Compendium full of resources and best practices. Each DVD contains more than 300 pages of resources and is available for $50. To purchase please contact Julie Cenedella in the Shorecrest Administration Office at [email protected].



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