Shorecrest School

How do You Color Your World?

Head of School Letter

There was once a time when a seemingly big decision like choosing a favorite flavor at the local ice cream shop was relatively easy. Chocolate, Vanilla or Strawberry? Simpler times. Ben and Jerry themselves used to personally scoop my cones as a boy growing up in Vermont, and I remember the day when Chunky-Monkey and Cherry Garcia changed even the way I approached the counter.

And that’s just one example...

Today, most of us are so overloaded with choices that we are more likely to say “yes” to all and go for a triple-scoop, or say “no” as a paralyzing consequence of having too many choices. What if there was one single choice you could make — at Shorecrest —  that allowed for endless possibilities? What if your simple choice benefited not only your family, but our whole community all at once?

Shorecrest is a generous place. We see examples of this every day with the added hours faculty spend creating strong student-teacher relationships, a parent’s time and care in sending their child to Shorecrest, students’ commitment to service, volunteers helping a struggling family in our community, the Board’s willingness to undertake and support capital campaigns — the list is endless.

As a progressive yet pragmatic independent school, Shorecrest is a special place because of the myriad of ways each family can choose how best to create their Shorecrest experience and really make it their own. What is the palette by which each Shorecrest family is able to Color their World?

Shorecrest is creating a legacy of innovative, transformational and inclusive education that ignites the potential of all learners. The Shorecrest Annual Fund ensures funding for the exceptional people and programs that define a Shorecrest education. Up-to-date technology, talented faculty, tools for new STEAM courses, dynamic on-campus programs, extraordinary arts and athletic programs - and more - are all supported by the Shorecrest Annual Fund.

Each day, a student’s and family’s experience at school is made possible by tuition AND the Shorecrest Annual Fund. The Shorecrest Annual Fund provides the financial resources for additional arenas of study and exploration which allow students to Color their World and experience. Shorecrest is not alone. The National Association of Independent Schools asks in their Guide for Independent School Families, “Why do independent schools ask for tuition “&” a tax-deductible gift?” The simplest answer can be found in the power of “&,” because the role of the Shorecrest Annual Fund is to provide endless possibilities so that you can create an experience that is just right for your family.

The Shorecrest Annual Fund program is valuable to the School’s long-term health and legacy; these gifts help us build a bridge between our income and expenses that allow our children and our school to thrive.

(Hear more from the Chargers in this video)

Thank you for  being a part of what makes the Shorecrest community both a generous and vibrant place. Your choice to support the Shorecrest Annual Fund provides every student with endless possibilities, making a lasting impact on their educational experience!


Michael Gillis
Director of Advancement

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