Shorecrest School

Not Counting the Days

Head of School Letter

Not surprisingly, people are asking me if I am counting the days until I retire from Shorecrest in June. So, why am I somewhat speechless when the question is asked?

We know that we need to raise $1.7 million this year so we can safely decide to build the second floor of Charger Commons and renovate the current SAC and Library. That in itself can keep a few of us very busy.

And if that happens, I trust you know that many of our Lower School, Middle School and Upper School teachers along with most staff members will be engaged in a major planning and staging process for the planned moves.

We know that we need to re-enroll over 900 children and admit at least 100 new students. That also involves addressing the financial aid requests from many families. These important jobs are very time consuming.

We know that the faculty and staff are working on new curriculum proposals we need to approve and fund.

We know that our athletic schedule is jammed pack and our teams seem poised to go deep into the playoffs. I hope to be at many of those games.

We know that many class plays, including the Upper School Performing Arts musical "Evita," is yet to be performed during Celebrate the Arts Week. Those will be enjoyable to attend.

We know that we still have Upper School Service Week coming and Mr. Schneider and I have 10 boys ready to support the maintenance staff at Great Smoky Mountain National Park as a part of that program. 

We will be hiring for new positions in the Upper School and Lower School and a few replacement hires for people who are retiring or changing careers. This is always a critical task and one where we must dedicate serious time and energy.

I’m sure you know about the project shares, science fairs, and eighth grade projects that will be displayed soon.

I’m sure you know we are transitioning our new Head of School, Nancy Spencer, so she has a smooth start to her leadership of Shorecrest.

And of course we know that we have 85 seniors who will soon be off to colleges and universities all over the country, but not before their Senior Walk, Baccalaureate and Commencement.

Counting the days... Who has time for that? 

We have too many important activities going on that I love being a part of and that need to go well for our students, our faculty-staff and the future of Shorecrest.  

I look forward to seeing community members at many of these important events.


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