Shorecrest School

Seeking Joyous Moments

Head of School Letter

About a month ago, the Shorecrest Alumni Association and I presented Carolyn Sloss, Class of  ‘85 with our Distinguished Alumni Award. Carolyn does public relations and marketing for the film and media industry. So, it was no surprise that she listed on her Facebook page suggestions for great movies to watch during our time at home while social distancing. One of the movies Carolyn recommends is “The Greatest Showman.”

While Robin and I have seen the show before, we took the suggestion and watched "The Greatest Showman" on Sunday. Whether one is just looking for enjoyable music, a Horatio Alger story, a message regarding the power of inclusion and diversity or a love story, this is an enjoyable movie.

How are you finding moments of joy during these days apart?

I would enjoy sharing some of the stories with others in our community.

One of the big decisions made this week to bring joy to some people has been to hold a drive-through parade and distribution of diplomas for the Class of 2020, on May 17. Due to concerns for health and safety, the event will be limited to the 85 seniors and their family members. Other vehicles will not be allowed on campus that day. However our graduates and their parents will be able to have a few moments to maintain social distancing while being able to see each other.  One at a time, the seniors will be able to exit their vehicle, add a momento to a time capsule that will be buried later in the summer under their class bricks and then pick up their diploma. Later in July, if allowed, a more formal Commencement Ceremony will be conducted.

Class of 2020, you will have a very special story to tell. You will have the story of the virtual unveiling of the Soccer State Champion and State Runner Up Banners for Boys and Girls Soccer on May 5. You will have the Story of the May 15 virtual College Signing Day when nine members of the class commit to play college sports. You will have the story of the Virtual Awards Day on May 15, when our Valedictorian, Salutatorian and Outstanding Senior will be named over Zoom. No class before you has experienced traditions in such an unusual way. Hopefully, no one will ever do the same.

In 1945, at the end of World War II, Shorecrest, which at that time did not have an Upper School, provided classes for the daughters of military officers quartered in the current day Vinoy Hotel. It was not until 1976 that Shorecrest commenced its first official high school class. The exception in 1945 was a signal that Shorecrest is able to pivot and serve students and families regardless of the challenges faced by the community and the world. The Caronavirus Pandemic may not be as deadly as World War II, but for this generation it is the most disruptive worldwide event in 75 years.

In 1945, ten young women received Shorecrest diplomas so they could move on with the next stage of their their lives. On May 17, the 85 members of the Class of 2020 will experience the most unusual distribution of diplomas since Shorecrest Preparatory School started an Upper School program. I understand there will be a mixture of disappointment and joy as we send a very special group of young men and women off to the next stage of their lives. More than the bricks in the alumni walkway that will bear their names, the memories of this special class and the joy they have shared with each other, their families and the faculty will last as an important and memorable part of the joyous history of Shorecrest.




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