Shorecrest School

Season of Gifts

Head of School Letter

December is the time of year when the subject of gifts arises and talk of presents seems to be all around us. It’s the time of year when we convey our love, gratitude, affection or appreciation to the myriad of people in our lives. Often this expression is bestowed via tangible gifts, beautifully wrapped with a big bow (although this is a weak point in my skill set and I often go for the gift bag option with lots of tissue paper).  

This month, however, I have been thinking about gifts from a different perspective. I have thought about the gifts that are unexpected: new people who enter our lives and the impact they have on us. I have been reflecting on how each of us should not hesitate to bring our own gifts and talents to every aspect of our lives, and I have been ruminating on the gift of faith in dark times, of the importance of believing in something greater than oneself.  

In carline, I often chat with the mother of a new fifth grade student. The family recently moved to Florida and their child is having a wonderful experience at Shorecrest. She has made many new connections with her classmates. I learned about how her most cherished new friend took her fishing, an experience that she adored. This vignette of a friendship reminds me of the value of being open to the gifts of new people in our lives, of embracing new experiences and appreciating relationships with those around us. I know that I personally have benefitted from the many new Shorecrest people in my life, and I appreciate the gift of their presence.  

One important aspect of Shorecrest is the diverse group of individuals who make up our community. For the school to thrive, it is essential that everyone feels comfortable bringing all of their gifts and talents to campus every day. My favorite quote from the classic movie “The Sound of Music” is when Maria says of her husband, “I can’t ask him to be less than he is.” This sentiment resonates with me because we want our students to bring their whole selves to school, to share what they are passionate about, and never be less than they are. Shorecrest is an environment that encourages students and adults to share their gifts with others. This kind of connection creates a greater understanding of each person and strengthens our community.      

No one can dispute that these are challenging days, for all of us. In my very first August Ebytes letter, I offered five strategies for coping with the upcoming school year. The last strategy was the importance of focusing on one’s values and finding sources of meaning. Looking beyond ourselves reinforces a sense of perspective. To me, holding tight to one’s values and beliefs provides the gift of faith. It is this faith which enables a sense of resilience and confidence that we will get through this difficult time. 

I appreciate the gift of being a part of this community. My wish is for a healthy and happy holiday season for all members of the Shorecrest family. I look forward to seeing you in 2021. Happy New Year! 

All the best, 


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