Shorecrest School

Ten Questions

Head of School Letter

Over the past month, I have been a part of Charger Chats, an opportunity for Shorecrest parents/guardians to ask questions to get to know me better. At the same time, I have been invited into a number of Lower School classrooms, because the students have also wanted to learn more about me. I thought I would use this Ebytes to share some of the questions I have received, both from the parents/guardians and from the children, and offer my responses. 

1) Do you have any pets?

Unfortunately, I currently don’t have any pets. Our beloved English Sheepdog Henry passed away in May, at the ripe old age of 14 and ½ years old. We miss him a lot. 

2) What is your vision for Shorecrest?

My vision is for Shorecrest to be the best version of itself, an outstanding and innovative school which values its almost 100 years of history and a place which feels like home to all our families and students. 

3) What is your favorite color?

Purple. Long ago, my artist husband told me that I have purple undertones in my face and that could be why I am attracted to the color. When I was telling this story in the classroom, a first grader got up, came closer to me, looked deeply into my face and said triumphantly, “I see it!” 

4) What have you liked the most about Shorecrest? 

The people. From the faculty and administrators with whom I have been working closely since early March, to my weekly Chipotle lunches with seniors and weekly reading time with The Experiential School, I have loved getting to know the amazing individuals who are a part of the Shorecrest family. 

5) Do you have any children and what do they like to do? 

Yes, I have two children, both of whom played soccer in college and are now in their 20’s. Stan went to Columbia University and is a performance engineer with an Indy Race Car team. Sally is a Dartmouth alum and lives in New York City, where she works in digital media for the National Basketball Association. They both like watching soccer and movies, hanging out with friends and visiting us in St. Petersburg. 

6) What have been your favorite Shorecrest activities so far?

I loved seeing how parents decorated their cars for the Fall Festival, and the creative outfits that students throughout the School wore during Spirit Week. Really, Homecoming overall was a joy to watch. I was so impressed by the outdoor production of “Our Town” and I have really appreciated watching our athletes compete throughout their seasons.

7) What is your favorite food? 

I have lots of favorites but I especially enjoy pizza. I am particularly fond of Pizza Hut’s cheese-stuffed crust vegetable pizza.  

8) What have been some of the challenges you have faced this year at Shorecrest?

Certainly, COVID-19 has put a strain on the Shorecrest community, and entering a new school in the midst of a global pandemic is not ideal. It has made getting to know parents in particular more challenging, in that most of my contact with them has been via screen. It’s why I am at carline every day, so that at least I can wave and say hello to people in person. 

Also, along with all the attention we are giving to physical health, it has been challenging to make sure that our faculty and staff attend to their mental health. I feel strongly about supporting their well-being and encouraging a sense of self-care.  

9) Since you have moved to St. Petersburg, what have you most enjoyed?

The weather! I love being outdoors and have enjoyed bike riding and running along the waterfront. My husband and I try to head off to the beach for a few hours every weekend. We also like discovering all the different restaurants in St. Petersburg and have had the pleasure of experiencing take-out from a wide variety of establishments. We love our house and our neighborhood, and have fun going for walks around Crescent Lake. We also enjoy going to museums and galleries and look forward to the time when we can visit them again. 

10. What are your hopes for the future at Shorecrest?

Most importantly, I look forward to the time when we as a community can gather together in person. I am excited about the completion of the second floor of Charger Commons, and the positive impact that additional space will have for our students and faculty. In the big picture, my hope is that over time, Shorecrest will have ample financial resources to achieve the goals of attracting and retaining the best faculty, making Shorecrest accessible to families who otherwise would not be able to afford the tuition, and implementing additional innovative programs.

If you have any questions for me, please don’t hesitate to send them to [email protected] or give me a call. I appreciate the chance to talk with everyone and look forward to getting to know members of the Shorecrest community. 

All the best, 


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