Shorecrest School

Community Impact on our first Giving Day

Head of School Letter

As many of you are aware, the tuition that is charged to families does not cover the entire cost of a Shorecrest education, a fact that is consistent among most other private schools and colleges. There is a gap between the entire cost of operating a school and the revenue generated by tuition. Schools such as Shorecrest rely on the generosity of donors to bridge the difference, so that we can continue to provide academic excellence, offer varied and extensive programs to our students, and attract and retain the best faculty and staff. 

For those of you who have already made such early and generous gifts this school year, we thank you. And for those of you who are still considering making your gift, I would like to offer a few reasons why your support matters more than you may know.

Our main community giving priority is the Shorecrest Fund, which supports all our programs and also enables donors to choose specific programs to recognize as areas about which they are particularly passionate. Next week leads into our first Giving Day, which is on Thursday, October 14. The focus is on participation, to demonstrate each person’s commitment and willingness to support the people and programs of Shorecrest. 

Our goal is to reach 100% participation, which would be a powerful statement. And in order to put your support to work immediately this school year, we hope you will make your gift on or before October 14 to make the greatest collective impact for our programs.

It seems appropriate that we celebrate Homecoming next week, an important tradition where our community comes together, along with our first Giving Day. The spirit and energy of Homecoming Week is evident throughout the campus, with all-school Spirit Days and Upper School class competitions. Shorecrest students are so enthusiastic about their school right now; they are so proud to be Chargers. What better time to support our students’ experience than during these first few weeks of a rejuvenated school year? 

Every gift, no matter how large or small, makes a difference in the lives of our students. Resources matter; the more resources we have, the more opportunities Shorecrest will have to provide an even better environment in which challenge and excitement infuse the learning experience. Thank you for considering making a gift to the Shorecrest Fund.

All the best, 

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