Shorecrest School

Final Thoughts

Head of School Letter

As the 2021-22 school year comes to a close, I am reminded that historians often look at the past in terms of change over time, or what is also known as the delta, of situations. When we look back over the past ten months and consider where Shorecrest stands today, it is staggering to contemplate the challenges we have encountered and the triumphs we have experienced. I am confident that we have completed this year on a positive trajectory, marveling at the growth of our students and with a resounding sense of community which serves as a defining feature of Shorecrest. 

The changes to the physical aspect of the campus which debuted last fall have now become fully integrated into the life of the school. The Weiss Family Pavilion has seamlessly become the home for Lower School Town Meetings and so many other performances. The Raymund Center serves as a nexus for Lower and Upper School students as they cross paths while the older students are studying, hanging out with their friends or playing the piano; and the younger students are coming and going to classes. Charger Commons has become the true heart of the school, with its gorgeous facilities and spacious study areas. (Those students who were concerned about “the commute” from Landy Hall now relish the chance to stretch their legs between classes.) The beauty and functionality of the Ohana Community Room reminds us daily of the privilege of being able to come together.  

When considering change over time, the student growth that is evidenced at the end of the school year is remarkable. Of course there is the physical growth which occurs astonishingly quickly. There is also intellectual growth. Students have not only acquired content, but they have also developed new ways of learning. Whatever grade they are in, their maturation is clear to their teachers, as our Chargers pose questions, devise new approaches to problem-solving and impress us with their compelling insights. 

One needs only to attend a Lower School project share, listen to a Senior’s GSI capstone presentation, explore a self-portrait created by a student in The Experiential School or be swept away by a Middle Schooler’s passion for sustainability and its influence on their in-depth studies, to understand the impact of a Shorecrest education. Our teachers’ commitment is to create lifelong learners who approach problems with innovation and curiosity. This approach establishes an environment where children are both stretched and supported, which is how our Chargers develop the confidence and resilience to be successful. 

As we consider the achievements of the past year, it is clear that our students have much to be proud of. Despite the challenges of COVID, we have accomplished a great deal and we are looking ahead to a bright future for Shorecrest. 

I hope that the summer months will provide everyone with the time and opportunity for reflection, refreshment and rejuvenation. I look forward to seeing you in August -- if not sooner. 

All the best, 

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