Shorecrest School

Boys Varsity Basketball- 2 big wins


Chargers vs Calvary, 12/10, Win 88-63
This was billed as the “key game” for the 3A district lead in the first half of the season with both teams undefeated in district play. The Chargers dropped the district final last season to a Calvary team that had all their key players returning. However, on this night, the Chargers were clearly the better team beating them in every phase of the game.

With Colin nailing four 3’s in the first quarter and the Chargers sprinting to a 24-13 lead, the team never looked back. The lead built the whole night, as one wave of Chargers after the other came in and played at a very high level. This was one of the most complete Charger victories in a long time!

There were a few tenuous moments... in the 2nd, Marcus going up for a lob pass had his legs taken out from under him and after 3 minutes on the floor was able to walk it off and get back in the action shortly after, only to have a cut opened on his cheek by an elbow minutes later. But on this night nothing was going to slow down the Chargers, and when Devin G. came in the 4th quarter and made 4 consecutive 3’s the night was complete.

On the evening, Devin G. had 18 points on six 3’s, Marcus had 14 points and 10  rebounds, Colin had 14 points, Tyee had 10 points and 8 assist, Kent had 10 points, Aundre had a huge defensive night and contributed with 6 points and Mitch S. had 9 points, 6 rebounds and didn’t miss a shot. Devin F. had 7 points in the win. This was the most complete game of the year and the best “TEAM EFFORT” by far as the Chargers continue to understand their roles and gel as a team.
Chargers vs Admiral Farragut, 12/11, Win 63-48
Coming off a nice win against Calvary on Thursday night, we knew it was going to be tough to repeat the energy on Friday against Farragut. Their game plan was simple, slow down the Chargers' potent run-and-gun offense and handle our press. They succeeded most of the night maintaining their composure and kept the game slow with long half court possession. Without our depth they were content to take 60-90 seconds every trip to get a good shot and what was demoralizing their size and athleticism allowed them two 3-shots on many occasions. So when the Chargers were only up 27-21 at halftime and 36-35 after 3–quarters it appeared this one was going down to the last possession. But the Chargers got a flurry of steals and went on a 14-4 run to start the 3rd quarter, including a big 3 from Colin, a steal and a drive from Tyee and an emphatic steal and dunk by Marcus. Then the Chargers could breathe a sigh of relief. They were able to hang on to the lead and lock down defensively to keep any comeback at bay.

On the night, Marcus had 24 points and 10 rebounds, Kent had 13 points, Colin 2-3’s and 8 points and Devin F a key 4th quarter with all 7 of his points coming then. Tyee continued his strong play at the point with 6 points, 7 assist and 3-4 from the FT line late to help seal the game.

This was a very big win, pushing the Chargers to 5-0 in the district and give the team sole possession of first place. We start the next round of district play in January with Farragut and Calvary on the road, which could be the key games to set district seeding for the year. Overall the Chargers are now 6-3 and with a 5 game winning streak going into their two Holiday tournaments - the first at home December 21-23 with 5 strong public schools coming in and Berkeley; and then on the road to one of the top tourneys in Orlando at First Baptist Academy, one of the top private schools in the state.

Upcoming Home Games:
Shorecrest Holiday Tourney, December 21, 22 and 23. First game is 6pm December 21.

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