Shorecrest School

100+ Children in India Received Support from Shorecrest

Service News

This past week in Ahmedabad, India, Ward F/7 the 3rd floor of the Civil Hospital was in a state of organized chaos. Over 100 families spilled out of the waiting area and were lined up out into the hall, waiting their turn to be seen by an international medical team that travels there every year to perform complex surgeries for a rare condition called bladder exstrophy. This is a second or third trip for many. If they were one of the lucky ones to receive prior care, they have returned for their follow up. Others are hoping their child will be selected to undergo their exstrophy repair during this year’s medical workshop.

The need for care far outweighs the capacity to treat everyone during this small window of time, and it’s heartbreaking to witness the parents anguish while the doctors carefully make the selection of patients that will fill the dozen or so surgery slots available. But this year the families were treated to a special surprise! All the children received warm and snuggly pajamas thanks to the generosity of Shorecrest Lower School students. Third graders Lily and Anna B spearheaded the fundraiser and collected over 200 pair of PJs. The smiles on the children’s faces were priceless!

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