Shorecrest School

Spread the Word to End The Word

Service News

The Shorecrest Upper School SPARC Club dedicated a day this week as Spread the Word Day while wearing their SPARC shirts, and posting over social media about the Spread the Word Movement.

Spread the Word to End the Word is a campaign used to spread awareness over the hurtful effects that come from the use of the word “retard(ed)." This campaign encourages people to pledge to stop using it. The R-word is a slang term for mental retardation and was first used in a medical setting; however, now it has become a common insult. Imagine walking into school and you hear the worst insults you can think of. Now imagine if that was normalized and everywhere you turned you heard it; this is what those who have a mental disability feel. To some it may be “just a word,” but to other, it hurts to hear.

SPARC Club reminded the Shorecrest community to stop this hurt and stop the usage of this discriminatory word. You can help make this change! Take to the pledge to stop using the “R-word.” Every pledge helps spread awareness. Every pledge counts!

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