Shorecrest School

Starting Fall Gardens

Service News

Shorecrest Upper School Outdoor Club members, led by Grace Salter '22, volunteered to clear the Lower School garden beds of torpedo grass and remnants of last year's gardens.

Later that week, “Farmer Ray” Wunderlich from Wunderfarms, a former Shorecrest student and perennial consultant on campus regarding all things gardening, brought donated plants for the gardens and gave second graders instructions on proper planting methods. Second graders will continue to water and weed the gardens throughout the school year, providing additional pollinator habitats on campus.

The Upper School Environmental Club, led by Lou Richard '23, hopes to start a compost bin outside the garden soon, using fruit and vegetable scraps from SAGE Dining in the Charger Commons kitchen. Lou also plans to give a presentation to fourth graders on food waste and composting, as they are deep in a sustainability unit. 

Both Upper School clubs will continue to help second graders maintain the Lower School gardens once they are planted.

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