Shorecrest School

Healthy Living in Kindergarten

Service News

Kindergarten has been engaged in a unit of study about healthy living. Through this inquiry they focused on what it means to be healthy, how to make healthy choices, and how communities help each other to fulfill basic needs. 

To dive deep into their learning, the young Chargers spoke with many first-hand sources. They went on a field experience to the Crisp Gym and weight room in the Athletic Center to learn about living a healthy life from Athletic Director Anthony McCall. Middle School Health Teacher and Shorecrest parent Betsy Dougherty came as a guest expert and discussed eating healthy. Dr. Adam Befeler and Dr. Carley Befeler, Shorecrest parents, shared coloring pages about many ways to be healthy - clean bodies, good food choices, and sharing feelings with adults to maintain a healthy mind.

Kindergarteners learned that every person has the right to basic needs– healthy food, clean water, a safe home, and an education. They learned how their choices affect their personal wellness and their community.

As part of the unit they read books about food insecurity - especially among children, like "Maddi's Fridge" by Lois Brandt. They heard from guest speaker Gina Wilkins, Founder of the local non-profit The Kind Mouse that assists families and children in Pinellas County with food insecurities and chronic hunger. Gina told the students about the "Mouse Nibbles" bags that are distributed to Pinellas area students through volunteer help. After learning about this, Kindergarten decided to hold a food drive for The Kind Mouse. Over the course of two weeks they collected almost 300 pounds of food that will go directly to local young people. Way to go, Kindergarten!

Thank you to all of the guest experts who helped the Chargers learn about growing up healthy!

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