Shorecrest School

Fifth Grade STEAM Week Showcase, Dec 2

Middle School News

The week of November 28 - December 2, fifth grade students will take part in a special week of learning. The very first annual Kinetic Sculpture Stop, Drop & STEAM Week! STEAM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math. During this week all fifth grade students will be participating in facilitated STEAM lessons related to the topic of Kinetic Sculpture. The week focuses on students collaborating to solve science and art based challenges that mimic the structure and work of STEAM professionals in the real world.

On Friday, December 2, there will be gallery-walk style showcase of all student’s creations in the fifth grade classrooms in the Sher-Razook Center. Parents are invited to see all the works of art created during this special week and listen to their child explain the science and art perspectives involved in their sculptures.
If your child isn’t in fifth grade, don’t despair! There is also a summer Stop, Drop & STEAM Camp available to Middle School students focused on engineering prosthetics. This program uses the same model, but  facilitates the process of engineering prosthetics for animals. The week includes a trip to The Clearwater Marine Aquarium to learn about Winter’s prosthetic dolphin tail and professional Guest Speakers. We hope you will join us!

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