Shorecrest School

Catching up with Jim Macon

Faculty Spotlight

Former faculty member Jim Macon came to St. Petersburg, Florida, for the Class of 1985 Shorecrest Preparatory School reunion. The Alumni office sat down with him to find out what he was up to these days, and reminisce a bit about his time at Shorecrest.

Shorecrest: Remind us what years you were at Shorecrest.
Jim Macon: Beginning in 1979, I taught 8th and 10th grade English. In 1985, I was appointed Assistant Headmaster and continued to teach 8th and 9th grade English. From 1979-1987 I also served as 9th grade class sponsor. In 1987, I moved to Columbus, Georgia. I returned to Shorecrest in 1991, and served as Upper School Principal until 1997. During that time I also taught a public speaking class.

SPS: Was there anything that surprised you about teaching at Shorecrest? 

JM: I was pleased to discover that what I had heard about the school being a family was not just talk; it was absolutely true and I loved being part of it.

SPS: What enticed you to come back to St. Pete for the '85 Reunion?

JM: The Class of '85 has so many great people. While they were in my class and through the rest of their years at Shorecrest, I developed a special place for them in my heart. (I was also basketball coach for the boys for three years.) I've kept up with some of them over the years and often wondered what had happened with those I didn't. Facebook has provided an opportunity to reconnect with many former students, some of whom had been out of touch since high school. I was flattered that they wanted me to attend their reunion, and I was also intrigued by the possibility of seeing the adults they had become. Once I arrived, they really made me feel welcome and included in their reunion activities. It was funny how some were hesitant to call me Jim and others were comfortable with it. The great students I had know all those years ago have become fine adults, and I'm really proud to know them!
SPS: What is your favorite memory of your time at SPS?

JM: I have so many wonderful memories of my years at Shorecrest that it would be impossible to pinpoint a favorite.
SPS: Where are you living these days and what keeps you busy? 

JM: I am currently living in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, and I teach 9th grade English and journalism at Reagan High School. I also serve as yearbook advisor and coach the girls' junior varsity basketball team. Outside school, I enjoy reading, music, golf, fishing, hiking,running and weight training at the Y. I also teach beginning guitar. Both of my sons, Bryan and Brent, live in Atlanta, so I've gotten to know I-85 very well!
SPS: Thank you so much, Jim, for taking the time to chat with us!

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