Shorecrest School

Punt, Pass and Kick Winners

Athletics Middle School News

Students in The Experiential School, Lower School and Middle School competed during halftime of the MS Football game on Thursday, October 9. Everyone had a chance to dance and stretch with Sparky. Then some participants ran across the field in the annual Charger Bolt; and others took turns punting, passing and kicking a football. Icy pops were enjoyed by all participants and awards were handed out for our top Punt-Pass-Kick participants. We were also entertained by a fun MS cheerleading routine!

Congrats to our top Punt-Pass-Kickers!

First place, sixth grade: Ronan D. and Emily N.
Second place, sixth grade: Macintosh W. and Abby C.
First place, fifth grade: Matthieu P. and Emily F.
Second place, fifth grade: Bryce A. and Gabby M.
First place, fourth grade: Alex H. and Olivia D.
Second place, fourth grade: Summer G. and Nick R.

Thank you to all of our volunteers who helped make the night a success! Parents, students, Booster Club and Student Council President Abby Gipe '15, who also led us in the National Anthem at the start of the game.

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