Shorecrest School

Homecoming, Costume Parade, Fall Festival and Reunions… Building on a Strong Community

Advancement Lower School News

During our Appreciative Inquiry workshops two weeks ago, parents shared what they appreciated most about Shorecrest. The theme that surfaced most frequently underlying “high point moments” at Shorecrest was the sense of community and community acceptance that exists at Shorecrest. 

Several parents talked about the incredible experience they had as parents who are new to Shorecrest and how they have been welcomed in to the community. Others described great experiences as a volunteer in their child’s classroom. Still others described specific events where they felt that sense of community, such as the Holiday Gift Drive, Shorecrest’s service week and other service activities, the opening of the new Athletic Center, or the social gatherings that bring parents together.

Similarly, when parents were asked to “dream of what might be,” the most frequent response was to have more whole-school social events for families and students, increasing opportunities for personal involvement and connections that benefit a whole grade, division, or whole school. Some plans are already in the works to build on what we already do well and parents will be seeing these opportunities surface in the near future. 

The activities that took place this week on the Shorecrest campus were the epitome of community. It began on Monday in the Upper School with “flock day” as groups of students were dressed as cows, soap and loofahs, senior citizens and nurses, Dalmatians (although the Dalmatians and cows looked awfully similar), and Jake from State Farm. We even had a “flock” of faculty dressed in Hawaiian shirts and Muumuus!  Wednesday was class competition day, when a variety of friendly competitions took place among the Freshmen, Sophomore, Junior and Senior classes, culminating in the annual powder puff football competition and crowning of Mr. Spirit. Then Thursday, a Homecoming football game where community members from all across the school - as well as alumni - came out to cheer on the Chargers and witness the crowning of the Homecoming Queen. Finally on Friday, the Middle School enjoyed their version of homecoming with games, competitions and advisory breakfasts, and students of the Lower School and The Experiential School enjoyed the Costume Parade. They marched through campus, cheered on by faculty, parents and high schoolers, culminating with the annual Fall Festival of bounce houses, rock climbing walls and carnival games with parents organizing and supporting the event.

Shorecrest certainly shines on weeks like this, and it is a great reminder of the “special sauce” that makes Shorecrest such an extraordinary place to be! We are proud to know that these types of activities are what our parents, students, alumni and faculty appreciate, just as much as the core of what draws us to Shorecrest to begin with—an exceptional educational experience for our children and opportunity to learn from great educators and in a great environment. This is the community we have built and will continue to build on in the months and years to come.

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