Shorecrest School

The Best Summer Ever

Head of School Letter

Many people are familiar with Stephen Covey’s advice to start all projects and actions with the end in mind. A simple, short-term way to think about summer is to imagine what our children will write if given the opportunity to complete the traditional “My Summer Vacation” essay in August.

What friendships, adventures, skills, accomplishments will our children describe? I’m all for learning how to make positive use of unstructured time. Developing the ability to think, contemplate and imagine are important and very difficult to quantify skills. Meaningful interactions with family and friends, skills learned, dollars earned, hours served in service are more easily quantified.

The balance between structured and unstructured activities may lead to the social emotional well-being of our children while allowing for personal growth.

My wish is that the children and adults of our Shorecrest community are able to experience summer activities that allow us to be recharged for the coming year. Even as our campus is experiencing the initial phases of Transform, our summer programs will be open to provide interested students and families with fun and stimulating experiences. The Fitness Center will be open to support our student-athletes who are training. Faculty and staff will be available as they prepare for the coming year.

Even though summer vacation has been extended for a full week, August 21st will be here in the blink of an eye. Thank you to all Shorecrest families, students, faculty and staff who contributed to making this past year a special year for Shorecrest and for our community. I hope the change of pace that comes with summer break is restful, productive and positive for all of you.



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