Shorecrest School

Kindergarteners Study Needs, Wants and Rights

Service News

Kindergarteners are studying things people need vs. things people want vs. universal rights. Right now their focus is on our need for food. This month, kindergarteners will gain an overall understanding of where food comes from and why it is important for everyone to eat healthy. A dramatic play grocery store and toy farm were also added for creative exploring.

Farmer Ray from Wunderfarms spoke with kindergarteners about gardening and composting. Farmer Ray and his volunteers grow and donate food for St. Pete area food banks. 

Ray Wunderlich III is a Charger alumnus, community partner and urban farmer. He gave tips on composting food scraps from SAGE after lunch and made suggestions for our pollinator garden on campus. Later this month, Upper School students will be helping him at a local community garden during Service Week.

Thanks for coming back every semester to share your knowledge with fellow Chargers, Ray!

Find video clips on our Instagram page.

Guest artist and teacher Yvonne Moyer brought a traveling exhibit made by her former students - large tapestry panels stitched over the past few years about Children’s Rights. Some topics depicted on the tapestry include the right to health, sanitation and medicine, the right to an education and the right to food, water and fresh air.

The idea for the tapestry came to Mrs. Moyer after seeing the Bayeux Tapestry in Normandy, France last summer. Beautifully stitched and 1000 years old, she felt her students could create a “By-You” tapestry that had a positive message for all children. 

The By-You Tapestry on the Rights of All Children Everywhere will hang in the Lower School Dining Room for a few weeks. Sharing the tapestry allows students to examine the difference between rights and wants, as well as think about other children who may not have their basic needs or rights met. The tapestry is a way of speaking up for the children of the world who may not always be given a voice. Learn more about how the fourth graders expanded upon this project here.

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