Shorecrest School

Find Your Place Within SCA

Head of School Letter

Today was the second of two Charger Chats, in person gatherings over coffee, hosted by me and the Board members of the Shorecrest Community Association (SCA). SCA is Shorecrest's version of a Parents' Association and these morning events were a chance for parents, new and returning, to learn more about SCA, Shorecrest volunteer opportunities, and how to take an active role in the Shorecrest community. 

In addition, there was ample time for me to talk about happenings on campus, and for questions and answers about a range of topics. They were both robust conversations with good attendance. We plan to have more Charger Chats, scheduled during different times of the day, so as to accommodate the busy schedules of working parents and others who were not able to attend a morning meeting. 

SCA Co-Presidents Kirsten Fisher and Christy Stross began the meeting by explaining what SCA is, that all Shorecrest families are automatically a part of SCA, and there are no registrations and no dues. The main goal of SCA is to enhance the sense of community at Shorecrest and to provide opportunities for all Shorecrest community members to lead and participate in events, activities, and services that support and enhance the educational, social, and fundraising needs of the Shorecrest community.

Especially this year, we are delighted to welcome parents and family members back onto campus for volunteer opportunities, while of course taking appropriate health precautions. There are also other aspects of SCA which are organized off campus as well. 

A host of committees provide a myriad of opportunities to get involved. Email contact information for the chair of each committee and a brief description of volunteer duties are on the school’s website here on the SCA page. Committees included are listed below:
The Big/Little Event
Book Buddies
Box Tops
Car Greeter
Fall Festival
Grandparent Council
Grandparents & Special Friends Day
Helping Hands
Holiday Gift Drive
Hospitality / Teacher Appreciation 
LS/MS School Supplies
Oldie Goldie Book Sale
Shorecrest Cares
Uniform Exchange

Volunteering for SCA is open to anyone, with the understanding that life can be hectic and each family’s schedule is different. Whether it’s an hour a month, or an hour a week - there is a place for all community members in SCA. And SCA's efforts are invaluable to Shorecrest, offering support to teachers and reinforcing that we are a caring community that is dedicated to each other. 

Serving as a volunteer for SCA is also a way to enrich your child’s experience at Shorecrest. Parents can model for students that volunteering is a way to give back to a community. It provides a chance not only to get to know aspects of the School, but also to connect with other parents of different backgrounds who bring many talents to the community. 

I have been so impressed with the time and commitment that families have dedicated to Shorecrest through SCA, which enables the School to move forward. It truly reflects the essence of the Shorecrest community. I invite each and every parent/guardian (and local grandparents and special friends too!) to consider getting involved in the life of the School in the way that best fits your family.  

All the best, 


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