Shorecrest School

Gift Drive 2023 "Wrap-Up"

Service News Lower School News

A note from this year's Gift Drive Chair, Stacy Sher Conroy '00:

On Saturday morning, December 9, Shorecrest parent and student volunteers delivered thousands of holiday gifts to the cars of the Guardian ad Litem child advocates representing 270 children through Hero to A Child (formerly Guardian ad Litem Foundation of Tampa Bay). It is hard to put into words the gratitude on their faces as they realized the joy they would be able to bring to 270 children who have been impacted by abuse and neglect in Pinellas and Pasco Counties. The Shorecrest Holiday Gift Drive is the school’s largest and longest-running annual service project, and each member of the Shorecrest community can participate and make an impact in some way. 

I want to thank all of the students, parents, grandparents, alumni and faculty who contributed with gifts or donations. The Gift Drive would not happen without the extra support of some very special people: four parents who stepped up when I asked them to be my “assistant chairs” - Alexis Anzo, Sasha Muzzarelli, Stephanie Pia and Christina Yim; Marcus Holmes and the entire Facilities Team who set up the gym and carry LOTS of gifts throughout the day; Helping Hands and the Upper School Human Rights Club for wrapping all the boxes into which students deposit gifts, and the Camp family and Harrington A/C for delivering us so many boxes; grade level reps and volunteers who sent out communications to each class and grade; the 50+ parents who volunteered the week before and days of the Gift Drive to sort and check gifts, shop for missing items, deliver gifts or greet the guardians; and Raffi Darrow for helping us publicize this important event. 

Below is a note from our partners at Hero to a Child:

Good Morning to the most amazing volunteers and donors at Shorecrest!

As I sit and reflect upon this year's Holiday Magic Gift Drive, I can't help but be super impressed with all we have accomplished together, how smoothly (really!) it all went, and how many kiddos(all together) for whom we made the holidays a little bit brighter (more than 1600!)

Here's the thing though, without you, we wouldn't have been able to pull it off!  You took everything all in stride.  You were willing to do whatever it took to get it done and you stayed later and worked harder than we could have ever expected.

In short, you all were absolutely amazing and I don't know what we would have done without your help this holiday season.

As we move into 2024, know that we are profoundly grateful for all the ways you help make our kids lives better.

Thank you and Happy Holidays,
Erin, Tawnee, Heather and Tammie

P.S. We love to thank our donors! Would you like an in-kind receipt for your holiday purchase(s)?  Here’s where you can sign up for one: We will get you a letter in early 2024!

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