Shorecrest School

Community Sponsor Spotlight: International Diamond Center

Advancement Contributing Chargers

The inspiration behind the International Diamond Center’s creation of its Fifth C Foundation comes from the family’s very strong belief in philanthropy and their passion for helping others. “The Lord has blessed my family and our company, and we will always strive to live by the motto, ‘to whom much is given, much is expected,’” says IDC owner Kenneth LeClerc.

As the executive director of IDC's Fifth C Foundation, Helen Barrott, a Shorecrest parent and emeritus trustee, is the trusted steward of the family’s philanthropy. 

“We started the foundation to be authentic and organize the family’s giving,” she says. “They primarily focus on soldiers and veterans, giving kids a chance (pediatric oncology and education), and human trafficking.”  This year IDC will be the Golden Ticket Sponsor for the Shorecrest Gala, contributing an exquisite pair of 18 karat, white gold and diamond, drop earrings with a retail value of $11,900.  This is the company’s second consecutive Shorecrest Gala sponsorship.

“We receive many requests for auction donations, and I always ask myself, ‘Is this something I should get IDC involved with?’ I want to have a relationship with the organizations we support – I don’t want [the donation] to be a one-off. I then make the decisions that support the family’s priorities,” says Helen. In addition to her own personal connection with Shorecrest, she says, “We have many clients whose children go to Shorecrest; and the LeClerc family has also met Coach McCall. They know and really respect his values and ethics. He’s someone you want your kids to be around.”

Barrott herself has been a generous and active supporter of the School, with both of her children starting out as Alphas. J.C. ’22, a former Shorecrest baseball player, is now a junior at Florida Southern College double majoring in sports marketing and sports broadcasting.  Daughter Isabelle ’29 is a confident eighth grader who’s into theatre and “so ready for high school.” 

Having served on the Shorecrest Board of Trustees for eight years, Helen says, “I felt like it was a privilege to serve – to understand the vision for the School and participate in the strategy.  I learned so much.” Though her days of being a hands-on volunteer are over, she says, “I trust the leadership and the Board, and I care that the School continues to progress. I believe with every part of me that every person on this campus cares about the kids first. ” 

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