Shorecrest School

Community Sponsor Spotlight: Woodie’s Wash Shack

Contributing Chargers Alumni

We are pleased to spotlight Woodie’s Wash Shack as a Contributing Charger. For the second consecutive year, Woodie's has been a Community Sponsor of Shorecrest events and programs. This year they were the presenting sponsor for the Shore to Shorecrest 5k, and also the Premiere Athletic Sponsor. In addition to partnering with the school, Woodie's has deep connections to Shorecrest. The business is owned by a Shorecrest family, and their marketing team includes two Chargers alumni, Jake DeGeare '15 and Avery Cutro '15. We appreciate long-term partnerships like this one, which help us to achieve our goals and make a positive impact on the community. 

Speaking on behalf of Woodie's, Jake DeGeare '15 shares their Contributing Chargers story and explains why the Woodie's team supports Shorecrest by way of corporate sponsorship and philanthropy.

Q. What is your connection to Shorecrest / why is Shorecrest important to you?

On top of having multiple employees who are alumni of Shorecrest, our visionary and founder, Don Phillips, currently has children of his own enrolled at Shorecrest, so the partnership felt very natural for us. As an alumnus of Shorecrest, this institution holds a special place in my heart. It’s where I received a quality education, forged lifelong friendships, and learned how to utilize skills learned at Shorecrest to find success in the real world. Being part of this community means continuing to support the institution that played a vital role in my life.

Q.  What do you enjoy most about being part of this community?

One of the most rewarding aspects of being part of the Shorecrest community is witnessing the growth and development of the students. It’s a close-knit community that values education and fosters a sense of belonging. I enjoy the sense of togetherness and the shared commitment to nurturing young minds. 

Q. Thank you for supporting Shore to Shorecrest- what drew you to becoming an event sponsor? 

Woodie’s Wash Shack is committed to supporting the local initiatives that contribute to the betterment of our community. When we heard about the Shore to Shorecrest event, we saw an opportunity to give back to an institution that has been pivotal in my own life and continues to shape the future of many. Supporting this event was a natural choice for us.

Q.  What does giving to this community mean to you?

Giving to the Shorecrest community represents our dedication to fostering educational excellence and community development. It’s about ensuring that the next generation of students has the same opportunities and experiences that I had at Shorecrest. We believe in the power of education and the positive impact it can have on individuals and society as a whole. It's extremely rewarding to really bring things “full circle” and come back to say thanks to the institution that I credit so much to!

Q. How do you think your gift will impact current and future Shorecrest students?

Our sponsorship is intended to support various initiatives and programs at Shorecrest that directly benefit the students. Whether it’s providing resources, enhancing educational opportunities, or improving facilities, our gift is aimed at enriching the overall student experience. We are hoping that Woodie’s Wash Shack becomes the go-to car wash location and becomes a household name for all Shorecrest families!

Q. Please share something you are looking forward to as we step into our second century.

I am genuinely excited to see how Shorecrest will continue to evolve and adapt in its second century. The commitment to academic excellence and community values has remained steadfast, and I look forward to witnessing the innovative ways in which Shorecrest will continue to prepare students for success in the rapidly changing world. Over the next 100 years, we hope Woodie’s Wash Shack becomes the most widely recognized, national car wash brand in the country and it all starts with our local community – specifically Shorecrest!


The impact of Contributing Chargers can be felt every day. Shorecrest Community Sponsors like Woodie’s Wash Shack connect mission-aligned area businesses with Shorecrest, benefitting the entire school community. To share a Contributing Chargers story email Olivia Segalman, Associate Director of Advancement for Community Engagement & Events: [email protected]. If you are interested in learning more about the Shorecrest Community Sponsors program, contact Sarah Heibein, Senior Giving Specialist - Community Partnerships at [email protected].  


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