Shorecrest School

First Graders Are Collaborators

Lower School News

First graders took part in a design challenge in which they and a partner had to build two different objects with LEGOs.

The first challenge was to build one boat that could float. Many partnerships had success while a few found that their strategies didn't quite work or came to the carpet (to share with their peers) with more than one boat.

After they tested their boats, Ms. Simons revealed the real reason for the challenge: to discover what makes a good collaborator. The students reflected on what worked and what did not work in their partnerships, and created these guidelines to help with future projects.

When we collaborate we:

  • each have a voice
  • listen to each other
  • talk with each other
  • check in with our friends
  • share materials, ideas,and thoughts
  • have fun!

And to their surprise, they immediately received ANOTHER challenge in which they had to apply these newly made guidelines! This time students had to work cooperatively to build a small chair for a plastic frog. Students had more success collaborating the second time around. Teachers heard supportive conversations throughout the building time and each team came to the carpet with only one chair.

Flickr album: First Grade Design Collaborators | Height: auto | Theme: Default | Skin: Default Skin



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