Celebrating 100 Days of Learning
Lower School classes celebrated the 100th day of school last week. It was a day filled with creativity, learning, and fun to mark this special milestone.
Kindergarteners showcased their creativity by bringing in projects made from 100 of the same object they found at home. From 100 buttons to 100 cotton balls, their ingenuity knew no bounds! They also counted out 100 snacks and completed 100 exercises while counting by tens.
Mrs. Johnson's Kindergarteners and the other Mrs. Johnson's second graders buddied up in the Lower School Outdoor Classroom for a learning experience. Together they read 100 books and solved 100 math problems. What an impressive feat!
In another classroom collaboration, Mrs. Minke's Kindergarteners and Mrs. Oman's second graders read100 books to each other. Additionally Mrs. Oman's class explored the concept of currency by learning to trade in 100 coins to obtain a dollar.
Mrs. Sheppard's first graders successfully solved a Math Escape Room. They also showcased their artistic talents by creating vibrant art depicting 100 gumballs.
As we reflect on the 100th day of school, we thank our teachers for fostering a dynamic learning environment. And to think, just across campus the seniors were celebrating 100 days until graduation!