Shorecrest School

Poetry in the Park [Video]

Lower School News Arts

All Shorecrest Lower School students participated in Poetry in the Park to close out their Celebrate the Arts week (video below). For an audience of family and friends, each class and other small groups recited poetry in English and Spanish. In honor of the School's centennial the show opened with an original work by Mrs. Oman and her Second Grade Students, "Happy Birthday Shorecrest." 

Happy Birthday Shorecrest
by Mrs. Christine Oman and her 2022-2023 second grade class (Shorecrest Class of 2033)

Have you heard?
Have you heard?
Have you heard that Shorecrest is having a birthday?
100 years old and still going strong
We still can’t believe it’s been a school for so long!
There have been hundreds, no thousands, tens of thousands of kids who can claim
I’m a Shorecrest Charger, and look what I became!

Did you know?
Did you know?
Did you know that this land 
Used to be shrubs and bushes
There were real live snakes where we stand!
Lots of changes over the years 
From when our school was on North Shore Drive
No more trailers for classrooms, 
We have Charger Commons
And at lunchtime it comes alive!

Have you seen?
Have you seen?
Have you seen the library and learning lab?
And how about the Weiss Pavilion? 
We think they’re really fab! 
The playground has changed too. 
No weedy fields or monkey bars 
Instead there’s a turf field and a climber 
We wave to parents who drive by in cars.
The Experiential, Middle, and High schools 
Have new spaces to learn and play too.
It’s a great time to be a Charger,
Where we learn to be thinkers through and through.

It may be Shorecrest’s birthday, 
but it’s we who get the gifts. 
We have fun throughout the daytime, and 
On the weekends, it surely is missed.

Help us say
Help us say
Help us say happy hundredth birthday to Shorecrest!
A century, ten times ten, in base ten blocks it’s called a flat
These are all ways to say 100 
We celebrate with signs and birthday hats.

Shorecrest, thank you for 100 years of learning.
100 years of fun we all agree
I hope I look this good when I turn 100
But with a few less kids hanging all over me.
Happy Birthday Shorecrest!

View a video of Poetry in the Park here.

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