Shorecrest School

LatinXplosion in Lower School

Lower School News Lower School News

Lower School Arts, Music, Technology and Spanish came together in cross curricular projects that were showcased at exciting event -- LatinXplosion! Students had a unique opportunity to apply their skills and knowledge in various subjects while gaining a deeper appreciation for diverse cultures and forms of expression to create meaningful and creative works. The event celebrated and highlighted the talents and achievements of students in grades 2-4. 

Second graders made booklets about the countries they studied in Spanish class, and were able to read their booklets to their parents in Spanish. 

Third graders made clay models of musicians with their instruments seated in a traditional symphony orchestra layout. They were able to describe the instruments in Spanish. 

Finally fourth graders showcased their hard work creating video games in Spanish. The games help teach Spanish, and the following week they played these video games with second graders. 

It was a beautiful afternoon that ended with delicious, tropical popsicles.

Sra. Jaime-Allwood said, "It was a FANTASTIC event! Thanks to all the parents that were able to join us. The children were so excited and proud to share their projects with their parents!"

LatinXplosion not only provided a platform for students to share their work but also encouraged others to appreciate and learn from the projects, promoting cultural awareness and an inclusive learning environment.

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