Shorecrest School

Welcoming 2023

Head of School Letter

Happy New Year! 

We are lucky in a school setting to have two chances to start anew each year: the beginning of each academic year and January 1st. As we move into this new calendar year, the ritual of making New Year’s resolutions is all around us. A New Year’s resolution is a vow to oneself. It’s a decision or commitment to do or not do something, sometimes realistic – other times a lofty concept – about a change one wants to make about oneself. While resolutions are admirable, they are fundamentally a binary thing: you do it or you fail, oftentimes by the end of January! It’s a lot of pressure to put on yourself. 

I would suggest reframing New Year’s resolutions into New Year’s goals. It’s a different mindset to propose an attainable goal, with specific milestones along the way, to achieve a desired result.  It “chunks” a journey, and gives guideposts along the way to making positive change. We use goals at Shorecrest all the time – whether for students or faculty and staff, to provide a pathway to improvement, goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound. Our goal is to make iterative and lasting changes, to innovate and develop as a School and grow as individuals.    
As the calendar turns the page to 2023, it means that Shorecrest is entering its centennial year! This will be a tremendous and joyful year of celebration, with many opportunities to honor our past accomplishments, students, faculty, families, and our century of growth within the Tampa Bay Area. Turning 100 years old is an impressive achievement and we hope that you will participate in the many activities we have planned to mark this occasion. 

You may have already noticed our new 100-year logo on banners around campus or seen the attractive 100-year logo lapel pin sported by some alumni, faculty and staff members. Soon a centennial 2023 calendar will arrive in your mailbox, complete with throw-back photos and current images of Shorecrest, along with important dates listed for this upcoming year. Other events and projects include an all-school photograph in February (taken by drone), and a documentary-style  centennial video. In the fall of 2023 there will be a community walk/run called The Shore-to-Shorecrest 5K -- from Shorecrest’s original location at 1200 North Shore Dr. NE downtown, complete with a newly dedicated historical marker and St. Petersburg City Official Proclamation, to our current campus. 

The culminating events of our year-long observance will be the Centennial Celebration Day, an all-community, on-campus Fun Day on Saturday, November 11, 2023, and the Centennial Gala, held at the James Museum on Saturday, December 2, 2023. These are just a few of the ways we look forward to observing our 100th anniversary. More information will be relayed to the community throughout 2023. We hope you will join in to celebrate this most unique and special milestone in the history of Shorecrest. 

Another exciting event to honor the School’s Centennial will take place next month. New this year at the 1923 Society Event, Shorecrest will honor and recognize the Root Family for their many years of support and commitment to Performing and Visual Arts at Shorecrest. Dr. Allen Root will be on hand at the Morean Arts Center to accept the 1923 Society’s inaugural honor. We hope that you will be able to join us for this special celebration. Learn about the 1923 Society here
Looking ahead to next weekend, I invite you to join me and other members of the school community in celebrating the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Our plan is to again gather at the MLK Dream Big Parade on Monday, January 16, to support members of the greater St. Petersburg community as they march to honor Dr. King’s life and legacy. In recognition of Dr. King’s commitment to service, Shorecrest Chargers will participate in the clean-up efforts at the conclusion of the parade. If you would like to watch the parade together or be a part of the clean-up event, please meet at 10am at First Ave. South and Fifth Street downtown in full Shorecrest gear. For more information, please contact Mr. Roderick Fludd at [email protected]. [More details]

Happy New Year! I cannot wait to see all the wonderful things 2023 has in store for our Shorecrest community. 

All the best, 

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