Shorecrest School

Exploring Electricity Together

Upper School News

Junior Kindergarteners joined Dr. Baralt, Director of Technology & Media Services, and senior STEAM students in the Charger Commons Makerspace this week to explore electricity.

Upon arrival, Dr. Baralt asked the children, “What is electricity?”
“Electricity makes things light up,” said Benny.
“Electricity charges your phone,” added Edward Ethan.

Next, Dr. Baralt invited the children to pair with a “big kid” partner. Together they manipulated batteries, buttons, and magnetic littleBits to make fans spin, make things light up, and make a sound. “It's like the fire alarm,” described Mila.

Seeing our youngest Chargers work alongside the Upper School Chargers was awe-inspiring! 
Students from the Seminar in Applied STEAM and Entrepreneurship were equally impressed. "It was great to interact with the younger students. They were so passionate to learn circuitry and practice their problem solving skills. I hope they remain curious and interested in future STEAM pursuits," said Dylan Winer '23. He added, "I was surprised by how quickly they caught on to the concepts and persevered to make their own creations." This sentiment was echoed by the entire class. 

Find more photos here!
Next week, the Seminar in STEAM students will be busy designing learning activities for St. Pete STEAMfest, Shorecrest's annual community event blending Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math geared toward children age 3 - eighth grade.

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