Shorecrest Jr. Thespians Troupe 88197 at FL State Festival
Members of Shorecrest's Jr. Thespians Troupe 88197 had a great time at the Florida State Junior Thespian Festival held at the Orlando Convention Center and Chapin Theatre on February 13-15. With approximately 5000 in attendance, Florida has more Jr. Thespian members than any other state in the country.
This three-day event allowed students to attend one act play performances, take theatrical and vocal workshops, visit vendor rooms, watch a production of "Shrek Jr.", attend opening and closing ceremonies featuring the top acts from around the State of Florida, and, of course, present their own performance acts and/or theatrical designs for adjudication at the State level. One special workshop and performance was given by Broadway veteran Ashley Brown, best known for her starring roles as Mary Poppins and Belle in "Beauty and the Beast" on Broadway. (Lucky Zoe E '29 met her for a selfie in the hallway.)
It is always a privilege to attend and enjoy the festival. To qualify a school must receive Superior awards at the District level and is then restricted to bringing only their top 8 performance acts or up to 4 technical designs. Ranking is based on rubric scores from judges with professional theatrical and musical backgrounds. At the Junior State Festival students are being adjudicated with greater expectations on their work. Scoring is numeric by rubric and then expressed as: Poor, Fair, Good, Excellent, or Superior with awards only given to Excellent and Superior scores.
Here are the State results of Shorecrest's Troupe 88197:
Improv: Tyler F '29 and Alex L '29, SUPERIOR - STATE HONORABLE MENTION
Solo Musical: "I Am Adolpho" Tyler F '29, SUPERIOR
Large Group Musical: "Singin' in the Rain," EXCELLENT
Frank C '30, Bailey D '31, Maggie E '30, Tyler F '29, Cali F '30, Miles F '30, Emma F '30, Alex L '29, Brailee M '29, Dalton M '31, Matilda N '31, Will P '29, Birkin S '29, Caleb S '30
Pantomime: "Test Heist," EXCELLENT
Isabelle B '29, Skye H '29, Harper M '29, Freyda P '29, Birkin S '29
Monologue: "Standardized Testing" Frank C '30, EXCELLENT
Monologue: "Annie Jump and the Library of Heaven" Zoe E '29, EXCELLENT
Monologue: "The Long View" Skye H '29, EXCELLENT
Costume Design: "Singin' in the Rain", Matilda N '31, EXCELLENT
Set Design: "Beauty & the Beast", Rigsby M '31, EXCELLENT