Shorecrest School

Doctors Diner and Taub Visit First Grade

Lower School News

Dr. Diner was a visiting guest expert in first grade on Friday, November 11. He spoke about digestion and answered many questions. Everyone learned a big new word, borborygmus, which is when your tummy growls. The students have been practicing saying this word all day. Dr. Diner showed a model of where food goes in the body and, yes, even where waste comes out!
Dr. Taub came to visit on November 15, to talk to first grade about the heart. He is a pediatric cardiologist and treats children with sick hearts. He brought stethoscopes for students to use and they learned that all of his patients get their own and then throw them away when no longer needed. He answered many questions and of course the students were inquisitive about transplants and what happens when your heart stops beating. Of course, he answered “That's not good.”

(more photos here)

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