Shorecrest School

Shorecrest Homecoming 2018

Lower School News

Beginning Monday, October 1, the Shorecrest community celebrated Homecoming Week for six days. The activities, costumes, competitions, and school spirit were full of much-anticipated traditions. On Monday-Wednesday the Upper School students participated in themed costume days. On Thursday, the four Upper School grades competed against each other in a variety of competitions.

The full Alpha through 12th Grade school community gathered for a pep rally on Friday, October 5, in the Crisp Gym. Athletic Director Mr. McCall and Head of Upper School Mr. Paige treated the crowd to a song-and-dance history of Hip Hop. The Varsity Cheerleaders and Little Sparks showed off their new routines. Students also played games, competed in relay races and cheered for Charger athletes. At the end of the school day, the Juniors - Class of 2020 - were announced as the winners of the Homecoming class color competitions. 

A raucous crowd enjoyed watching the Varsity Football Chargers beat Out-of-Door Academy on Friday night. At halftime the 2018 Homecoming Court was presented by former Shorecrest teacher Jim Henderson, and the Homecoming Queen and Mr. Spirit were crowned. Congratulations to Mr. Spirit Dominic Hoefer and Queen Senna Prasatthong-osoth (pictured).

Thanks to the many students and parents who shared their photos of Homecoming events!
Class Color Day Competition photos:

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