Shorecrest School

Returning Children’s Belongings

Lower School News

Wearing a mask and with clean hands, LS Administration will put the disinfected belongings in bags labeled with each child’s name. Then, starting on Monday, May 11, fourth grade and their younger siblings’ bags will be placed on Charger Blvd where the LS benches are located (at the LS carline area. If it is raining we will use the LS breezeway.)

Mrs. Marcia Johnston will organize the bags by class. She or Mrs. Lotz will be outside to direct parents to the right spot as they get out of the car (with a mask on) and take their child’s bag. (They are directed not to hand the bag to you but to keep at least six feet in distance.) 

Children are not allowed to get out of the car. 

At the same time, we will collect books that belong to the school or school supplies borrowed for distance learning (dry erase boards, library books, etc.) Please bring any items that belong to Shorecrest to return. 

Nurse Donna Conroy will be there to return medicine that was in the nurse’s office. Each day Ms. Johnston will be there from 2-3:30pm and Mrs. Lotz will be there from 3:30-4:30pm.

The schedule is as follows:
  • Monday, May 11 (2-4:30pm): fourth grade students and younger siblings
  • Tuesday, May 12 (2-4:30pm): third grade students and younger siblings
  • Wednesday, May 13 (2-4:30pm): second and first grade and younger siblings
  • Thursday, May 14 (2-4:30pm): kindergarteners
If you require an alternate plan, please contact the LS Office.

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